3 Tips to Help Allergy Sufferers Paint Safely and Comfortably

ECOS 04/17/2024

Countless people all over the world suffer from some form of allergies. That's why allergy-free efforts and initiatives are growing in popularity across the nation. In fact, according to a study by the Survey Research Institute at Cornell University, 83% of travelers now say they would choose an allergy-friendly hotel room if they had the option. But avoiding allergies at home can be more difficult, especially during DIY home improvement projects that can cause dust, dirt, and debris to resurface and exacerbate allergy symptoms. Here are just a few tips to help those who suffer from allergies paint safely and comfortably.

Use Eco-Friendly and Low VOC Paints This is, by far, the biggest step you can take to reduce the allergy symptoms you experience as you complete your painting project. The fact is traditional paints are filled with toxins called Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs). According to Sweden’s Dampness in Buildings and Health study, among children with multiple allergic symptoms, PGE-exposure nearly doubled the likelihood of developing allergic sensitivities to other allergens. Not only that, but according to Sweden’s Dampness in Buildings and Health study, children with bedroom PGE concentrations in the top 25% (of the study participants) had a 100% higher likelihood of having asthma, a 150% higher likelihood of having eczema, and a 320% higher likelihood of having rhinitis. Fortunately, you can reduce these effects by investing in low VOC products that offer the same quality and paint coverage as their chemical counterparts.

Suit Up When you've gathered your eco-friendly and allergen free materials, it often helps to suit up with gear that will work to keep allergy triggers and symptoms at bay. Goggles, for example, can prevent dust particles from making their way into your eyes, and protective clothing and headgear can do the same. These items can be found at most home remodeling stores.

Ventilate Workspace Finally, as you're painting, make sure to keep your workspace as ventilated as possible. This doesn't mean you should allow dust particles to spread and contaminate more areas of your home, but it's important to open all the windows in the room you're painting in. You should also lay down plastic sheets to gather debris and then dispose of them carefully once the project is complete.

Ultimately, these tips can help you keep allergy symptoms at bay during almost any painting project. For more information about environmentally friendly spray paints, contact Ecos Paints.

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