Parents' Guide To Safely Painting Baby Furniture (Part 2)

ECOS 04/15/2024
paint safe for baby furniture

In the last post, we discussed some essential safety precautions and workspace preparation tips for safely painting baby furniture. However, while safety is undoubtedly a major priority, painting properly can ensure maximum appeal and lifespan of your furniture. Here's part two of our parents' guide on how to safely paint baby furniture.

Sanding Before you start painting, you'll need to disassemble the furniture and lightly sand the edges. For cribs, it's suggested to take them apart completely for maximum coverage. It's also a good idea to wear a mask in order to avoid inhaling the dust from sanding. The sanding process will help the paint for the nursery adhere properly. You don't need to remove the entire surface layer of the furniture; just 'roughen it up' a bit. Afterward, give the piece of furniture a final wipe down with a damp rag or tack cloth.

Painting For a nursery, low VOC paints and/or low allergy paints are ideal. According to Sweden’s Dampness in Buildings and Health study, among children with multiple allergic symptoms, PGE-exposure nearly doubled the odds of developing sensitivities to other allergens.

When painting, use a small brush or roller and take your time to apply an even coat. If you're painting bare wood or any puttied surfaces, you'll need to apply a primer first. Many experts recommend choosing a paint safe for baby furniture that is specifically labeled as a trim paint, since these paints have more hardeners and are generally better for furniture applications.

Incorporating Creativity Don't be afraid to get creative with the painting process as opposed to simply adding color. For example, painting a simple design such as some stars and a moon, polka dots, a quote, or even the baby's name can serve as a beautiful symbol of your love and care for your baby. Don't be afraid of making small mistakes -- let your creativity run free!

Drying and Reassembling Finally, once the paint job is complete, it's recommended to wait a full 48 hours before reassembling the piece. If you have any doubts, don't be afraid to let the piece dry even longer.

Ultimately, understanding what makes paint safe for baby furniture and safely applying it is the key to welcoming your baby into a home that always has their health and happiness in mind.

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