Tips for Painting a Geometric Wall Design

ECOS Paints 10/09/2020
Tips for Painting a Geometric Wall Design

Geometric wall designs can add a whole new level to an accent wall. Our guide shares tips on how to make a geometric wall design that you'll love.

Accent walls are a wonderful way to add creativity and visual interest to a space. But, so often, we end our creativity with just one single color—we seldom think of the wall as a canvas to be filled with several colors and shapes. Geometric walls can enhance the visual interest of the accent wall and add additional colors to the room. If you want to take your accent wall to the next level, check out these tips for painting a geometric wall.

Pick Your Colors

Before you decide on the design or shapes that you intend on painting, it’s important to establish what colors you want to feature on the wall. Geometric walls feature two colors or a plethora and since, by nature, geometric walls are often asymmetrical, certain colors are featured more heavily than others. The colors on the wall should echo across the rest of the space, often with the same ratio as the colors on the wall.

Pick Your Design

Geometric wall designs can range from highly complex to relatively simple. Deciding the level of complexity will look good in your space and the level of complexity you feel comfortable painting are both important to establish. Here are some shapes you might consider:

  • Dividing the wall into two or three uneven pieces
  • A series of asymmetrical shapes
  • A series of symmetrical shapes
  • Tessellations
  • Multiple shapes that overlap

Paint the Base Color First

For many geometric walls, there is a “base color” that the rest of the shapes are painted on top of. You can always use the original wall color as your base color. If you want a different color, you will want to paint the entire wall the base color first and let it dry before applying painter’s tape.

Use a Brush and Roller

After you have taped out the different sections of your geometric wall, you will want to use a combination of brush and roller to fill in the sections. Because the different colors are only separated by a small line of tape, edging it with the brush is a good idea to keep your paint from crossing into the wrong section. The rest can be filled in with a roller.

Painting geometric wall designs can add a touch of elegance or fun to any room in your house. When you’re ready to experiment with different color combinations for your home, ECOS Paints has a wide variety of quality non-toxic* interior paint.

*Non-toxic - conforms to ASTM-D4236, specifically concerning oral toxicity, skin irritation and respiratory effects.

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